Certified Coach Program Community

Meeting platform for like minded coaches

CCP community is inextricably linked to the new Certified Coach Programme. This ICF certifying coaching programme was born out of the collaboration between Leen Lambrechts-Noël (MCC) & Katrin Van Bladel (MCC). The aim of this collaboration is to offer a solid and quality coaching training programme to professionals, like the one you have enjoyed in the past.


To make this happen, we want to appeal to you, who have met us once as a trainer or coach, as ambassadors. 


Above all, the Certified Coach Program Community (CCP Community) is a meeting forum for like-minded coaches.

Why? What?

  • Providing a home base, where coaches can be sociable together.
  • A community of coaches who put coaching on a professional footing and believe in the power of coaching.
  • Stimulating formal and informal exchange between fellow coaches.
  • Co-creating an abundance from equality.
  • Nurturing and supporting a common passion.
  • First-line sounding board for ethical and professional issues.

For who?

Anyone who:

  • Received training from Leen or Katrin.
  • Attended a workshop or supervisions by Leen or Katrin.
  • Has completed a coaching programme with Leen or Katrin.
  • Has an ongoing interest in coaching.

Whats in it for me?